There are three types of modeling in verilog, each one corresponding to a different level of abstraction.
Gate-level model |
Dataflow model |
Behavioral model |
module first_module( input a, input b, output out ); and and_gate(out,a,b); endmodule |
module first_module( input a, input b, output out ); assign out = a & b; endmodule |
module first_module( input a, input b, output out ); always @(a, b) begin out = a & b; end endmodule |
//------------------------------------------------------- //one-bit full adder module //------------------------------------------------------- module fadder( input a, //data in a input b, //data in b input cin, //carry in output sum_out, //sum output output c_out //carry output ); wire c1, c2, c3; // wiring needed assign sum_out = a ^ b ^ cin; // half adder (XOR gate) assign c1 = a & cin; // carry condition 1 assign c2 = b & cin; // carry condition 1 assign c3 = a & b; // carry condition 1 assign c_out = (c1 + c2 + c3); endmodule |
//------------------------------------------------------- // 4x1 MUX with 1-bit inputs //------------------------------------------------------- module mux_4to1_case ( input a, input b, input c, input d, input [1:0] sel, // 2-bit selector output reg out); always @(*) begin case (sel) 2'b00: out <= a; 2'b01: out <= b; 2'b10: out <= c; 2'b11: out <= d; endcase end endmodule //------------------------------------------------------- // 4x1 MUX with 4-bit inputs //------------------------------------------------------- module mux_4to1_case ( input [3:0] a, // 4-bit input input [3:0] b, input [3:0] c, input [3:0] d, input [1:0] sel, // 2-bit selector output reg [3:0] out); always @(*) begin case (sel) 2'b00: out <= a; 2'b01: out <= b; 2'b10: out <= c; 2'b11: out <= d; endcase end endmodule |
//------------------------------------------------------- // 3 to 8 decoder //------------------------------------------------------- module decoder_3_to_8(output [7:0] F, input [2:0] ABC); assign F =(ABC == 3'b000) ? 8'b0000_0001: (ABC == 3'b001) ? 8'b0000_0010: (ABC == 3'b010) ? 8'b0000_0100: (ABC == 3'b011) ? 8'b0000_1000: (ABC == 3'b100) ? 8'b0001_0000: (ABC == 3'b101) ? 8'b0010_0000: (ABC == 3'b110) ? 8'b0100_0000: (ABC == 3'b111) ? 8'b1000_0000: 8'bxxxx_xxxx; endmodule |
//------------------------------------------------------- // 7-segment decoder (decimal) //------------------------------------------------------- module decoder_ssd_dec(output [6:0] SSD, input [3:0] IN); assign SSD = (IN == 4'b0000) ? 7'b1111110: (IN == 4'b0001) ? 7'b0110000: (IN == 4'b0010) ? 7'b1101101: (IN == 4'b0011) ? 7'b1111001: (IN == 4'b0100) ? 7'b0110011: (IN == 4'b0101) ? 7'b1011011: (IN == 4'b0110) ? 7'b1011111: (IN == 4'b0111) ? 7'b1110000: (IN == 4'b1000) ? 7'b1111111: (IN == 4'b1001) ? 7'b1111011: 7'bXXXXXXX; // Don't cares endmodule |
//------------------------------------------------------- // 7-segment decoder (hexadecimal) //------------------------------------------------------- module decoder_ssd_hex(output [6:0] SSD, input [3:0] IN); assign SSD = (IN == 4'b0000) ? 7'b1111110: (IN == 4'b0001) ? 7'b0110000: (IN == 4'b0010) ? 7'b1101101: (IN == 4'b0011) ? 7'b1111001: (IN == 4'b0100) ? 7'b0110011: (IN == 4'b0101) ? 7'b1011011: (IN == 4'b0110) ? 7'b1011111: (IN == 4'b0111) ? 7'b1110000: (IN == 4'b1000) ? 7'b1111111: (IN == 4'b1001) ? 7'b1111011: (IN == 4'b1010) ? 7'b1110111: (IN == 4'b1011) ? 7'b0011111: (IN == 4'b1100) ? 7'b0001101: (IN == 4'b1101) ? 7'b0111101: (IN == 4'b1110) ? 7'b1001111: (IN == 4'b1111) ? 7'b1000111: 7'bXXXXXXX; // Don't cares endmodule |